Dress Code
It is the Board of Education’s belief that it should have and enforce hair and dress codes that will assist in preventing disruption of the educational environment, prevent health or safety hazards, and prevent interference with the learning of other students. The following regulations regarding the dress code apply to students while on school grounds, while participating in school athletic events, while participating in school extracurricular activities or while on any transportation vehicle owned or used by the Board of Education.1. Extreme hair styles and unnatural colors that, in the opinion of the principal or the principal’s designee, would interfere with learning, cause a disruption of the educational environment, or be a health or safety hazard are not permitted. Hair should be clean, neat, and well-groomed and must not cover the eyes. Hair in rollers is prohibited.2. Extreme styles of clothing that, in the opinion of the principal or the principal’s designee, would interfere with learning, cause a disruption of the educational environment, or be a health or safety hazard are not permitted. Clothing should be clean, neat, and worn properly (pants and skirts shall be worn at the waist). Clothing should not be too tight, too loose, too short, or too long and should not have inappropriate writing or pictures, including but not limited to clothing which advertises alcohol, tobacco, drugs, any prohibited product, sex, depicts or suggest violence or which contain suggestive writings, pictures, or emblems that are inflammatory, vulgar, or discriminatory.3. Hats, scarves and other headpieces will not be worn within the school building unless approved by the principal or the principal’s designee.4. Pants and jeans with noticeable splits or holes that, in the opinion of the principal or the principal’s designee, would cause a disruption of the educational environment, would be a health hazard, or would interfere with the learning of other students are prohibited.5. Shorts, skirts, culottes, split skirts, or dresses must be reasonable in length and appropriate for school.6. Immodest clothing is prohibited. Tight-fitting clothing, such as spandex or bicycle type clothing and/or any facsimile, is prohibited.7. Jewelry, clothing, or other items that have pictures, logos, lettering, writing or other symbols that the principal considers vulgar, profane, offensive, suggestive, or disruptive, or that reflect sexual or obscene overtones, or that advertise any alcohol, tobacco or controlled substances are prohibited. Spike jewelry or chains are not permitted.8. Wearing any clothing, jewelry, or other item symbolizing gang affiliation is prohibited.9. Shoes are required for safety and hygiene reasons and may be worn with or without socks.10. Earrings or other jewelry of such size or style that, in the opinion of the principal or the principal’s designee, would interfere with learning, would cause a disruption of the educational environment, or would be a health or safety hazard are prohibited. Body piercing jewelry (or the facsimile of) on any visible area of the body (including the tongue) other than the ear is prohibited.Violations of the Dress Code Policy will be referred to an administrator for resolution.