

     School Email Address:  marylee@henry.k12.ga.us

    Subjects : 5th Grade




    Hello Parents,

         I'm very excited to partner with you this year as your child's homeroom teacher.  I am beginning my 22 year at Oakland Elementary school as a 5th-grade teacher. I believe that my classroom is full of successful students and each child will have an opportunity to develop their Island of GIFTED knowledge. Each day we have Opportunities for Wisdom, Leadership, and Success!


         In Math, students will have an opportunity to continue to build strategies and skills in computation, using Frameworks, HMH, and other resources.


         In Reading, we will work to delve deeper in critical thinking, develop comprehension through reading fiction and nonfiction texts using guided reading strategies. I will work diligently with the students to develop strategies to use while reading that will not only "boost' their comprehension, but expand their comprehension beyond the text.  In addition Reading and Writing assignments will reinforce standards taught in Science and Social Studies.


         I look forward to building life-long partnerships that will help your child not only become successful this year, but also for life.  Please feel free to contact me at any time should you have questions.


    Thanks in advance

    Dr. Mary Lee




     I am very excited to have your child in my classroom!


    Anything is Possible - Excuses Be Gone!!!!!

    Struggles give you an opportunity to triumph into success 





Last Modified on July 27, 2022