Rock Spring Robotics is back for another exciting year.
Starting in August, FIRST Lego League Challenge teams will begin meetings. FIRST Lego League Challenge teams are for fourth and fifth grade students. If there is room, we will have a try-out process, but many times, they are full due to Lego League Explorer team members moving up in grade. One team meets on Tuesday and the other team meets on Thursday.
Still in August, VEX IQ teams will begin meeting. VEX IQ is for fourth and fifth grade students. The team looks at the challenge and field for the season. They begin construction of their team's robot. Teams meet on Tuesday and Friday for Coyote. Team Rocky meets on Thursday and Friday.
In. In January, FIRST Lego League Explorer teams will begin meeting and hold an Expo on Mother's Day weekend. There are four teams and two meet on Tuesday with the other two meeting on Friday. The grade levels for these teams are second and third.