Click Here for Syllabus: Yearbook Syllabus
Angela Walker
Room #
Contact Information
Email: angela.walker@henry.k12.ga.us
Online Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 2:30 – 3:15 P.M.
Friday: 2:15 – 3:15 P.M.
Course Description
The SHS Legend yearbook is a journalistic product. It contains facts and can be used as a record keeping device. The goal of the Yearbook/Journalism class is not simply to create a historical product. The goal is to teach skills in business, advertising, graphic design, visual communications, writing techniques, photography and collaborative relationship building. All of these skills will serve you in whatever field you decide to pursue in the future. As a member of the Legend yearbook staff you are creating a product that will stand the test of time.
Materials Needed
⮚ Chromebook (FULLY CHARGED)
⮚ Notebook, Pens/Pencils
⮚ Access to Balfour/Encore software
⮚ Camera (digital or newer version of iPhone or Android)
Class Procedures
- Be on time! Log onto Google Classroom for attendance daily.
- Be respectful. Disrespectful behavior towards teachers and classmates will not be tolerated. Foul or suggestive language, inappropriate contact, and disrespect of property are not welcomed.
- Mute your mic unless otherwise directed by instructor.
- Follow all instructions when given. Ask for clarify if directions are not understood. The ability to follow directions is a quality that will be crucial to your academic and professional careers.
- Plagiarism (cheating or copying others’ work) and other forms of academic dishonesty are not tolerated. Such an infringement will result in an irreplaceable zero in the gradebook.
Grading Calculations
HCS Grading Scale
Formative any assessment that demonstrates mastery over a topic or concept (i.e. guided reading/essay/quiz)
A = 90 – 100
C = 74 – 79
B = 80 – 89
D = 70 – 73
F = below 70
Summative an assessment over all the standards learned in a unit or topic (i.e., Test/Project)
End of Course Test/Final Exam
Formative/Summative (80%) + EOC (20%) =
Students Course Final Average (100%)
Other Important Grading Information
Grades will be based on the following:
● Individual weekly assignments
● Page layouts/spreads
● Assessments
● Participation
● Always review your student’s current class average in Infinite Campus.
Make- Up Work Policy
· Students will have until the following Friday at 3:15pm to turn in late/missing assignments.
· Example: If your assignment was due Thursday, September 4, 2020 you will have until Friday, September 11, 2020 to turn it in. Any work not turned in at that time will be accepted at the instructor's discretion with a 50% penalty. If for some reason it cannot be turned in, you need to let me know ASAP.
Remote Learning Attendance Policy
● Attendance will be taken during a 1st period homeroom every day. Your student is expected to be logged into their Chromebook by 8:15.
● Students will be directed to complete attendance daily in their homeroom class.
● Teachers will simultaneously monitor attendance in a Google Meet live session during this homeroom period to check for accuracy of student reports.
● Teachers and attendance clerks can override the student-recorded attendance recorded in IC.
● If a student forgets to mark him/herself as present, but the teacher “sees” him/her in the class (visually sees him/her on camera, hears his/her voice during the class, or receives written correspondence from the student during the lesson via chat, email, assignment participation/submission), the teacher can correct the entry (up to 5 days) to record the student as present.
Teacher to Parent Contact
The teacher will contact parents in the one or more of the following manners beyond progress reports cards, report cards, or open house activities:
● Google Classroom (updates, announcements, copies of assignments, class resources evidence of student work and grades in class)
Download app on iOS or Android
● Infinite Campus messenger
● Academic conferences via Google Meet
● Scheduled IEP meetings or SST process
● E-mail or a phone contact during Parent Engagement Fridays
Parent to Teacher Contact
● The teacher should always be the first point of contact for a parent. The quickest way to contact your child’s teacher is through email. Teachers are required to respond to parent emails within 24 hours.
● In order to be informed of your child's progress on assignments always check Infinite Campus.
● Another way to check your child’s progress is through Google Classroom. Be sure to enroll in Google Classroom notifications that are sent to your email.
Course Learning Objective
In order to capture and record the current school year for the enjoyment and reference in the future, student will:
- Identify and report news-making events in the Stockbridge community and beyond.
- Use good picture taking techniques.
- Design a professional, attractive, theme-based yearbook.
- Write effective journalistic copy, captions, headlines and sub-headings.
- Edit, proofread, and evaluate their ow and others’ work.
- Work cooperatively within time constraints (DEADLINES) and budget limitations.
- Learn and use effective sales and promotional techniques.
Miscellaneous Information
· Because learning is remote and you have a lot of flexibility, there should be no excuse for work not to be turned in. You are responsible for your own learning. I am merely the facilitator of information.
· Due to the nature of the class, there will be times when students must attend events afterschool. Please make sure to arrange transportation if you do not have a car. If you are unable to cover an event, you must let me know within 24-48 hours.
· Students are responsible for school-owned equipment used in yearbook: cameras, SD cards, camera bags and batteries. Please understand that if equipment is lost, stolen or damaged while checked-out to the student, the student will be required to cover the costs. Digital cameras are valued at $650+; lenses are valued at $250+; camera repairs start at $400.These are not minor costs. Equipment care is paramount.
· All staff members will sign up for the class GroupMe in order to communicate while on assignment. Details will be given in class.
· I am here for you. Let’s do this!
Students (A-M) Face to Face
All Other Students Remote
Students (A-M) Face to Face
All Other Students Remote
Students (N-Z) Face to Face
All Other Students Remote
Students (N-Z) Face to Face
All Other Students Remote
1st block/ Homeroom
8:15 – 10:12
9:40 - Advisory
1st block/Homeroom
8:15 – 9:40
1st block/Homeroom
8:15 – 9:00
1st block/Homeroom
8:15 – 9:40
1st block/Homeroom
8:15 – 10:12
Instructional Focus - 9:40
2nd block
2nd block
2nd block
2nd block
Instructional Focus - 11:11
2nd block
3rd Block
Instructional Focus - 10:40
3rd block
3rd block
4th block
3rd block
3rd block
4th block
4th block
Instructional Focus - 2:43
4th block
4th block
Teacher Planning
Parent Engagement