Learners are required to wear a Standard School Attire every day at MMS.
MMS Standard School Attire Requirements 2024
Our standard school attire teaches learners to dress for success. For our learners’ safety, there are no exceptions to this policy. If a special jeans day or other dress day occurs, information will be provided to learners and their parents/guardians in advance.
Quick Guide-Daily Wear
Shirt: Collared, Solid Color: Black, White, Gray or Gold T-Shirt: McDonough Paraphernalia Shirts Only
Pants/Jeans: Solid Color: Black, Khaki, Gray or White
NO Leggings, NO Sweatpants or Pants with excessive rips, tears, or frays that show skin
Shorts/Skirts Solid Color: Black, Khaki, Gray OR McDonough Plaid
Sweatshirt: Worn with Collared Shirt
Collared, Solid Color: Black, White, Gray or Gold
Shoes: NO Slides, Bubble Shoes, Crocs, Slippers, or House Shoes; Shoes must cover the entire foot
Headwear: Bandannas, Headwraps, Scarves, Bonnets, and Forehead Bands ARE NOT PERMITTED

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