• Dear Parent,

    We have an awesome opportunity to take our students to the Academy of Advanced Studies on a Field Trip on February 4th.   This event is hosted by

    Henry County’s Career, Technical and Agriculture Education (CTAE) Program and Communities In Schools.

    Students MUST HAVE A PERMISSION FORM to go on this field trip. The deadline for permission forms is Friday, December 19th.  We have a quick turn-around due to working with Transportation, getting buses and drivers scheduled, as well as letting the Academy know how many we are bringing.

    Each pathway will have approximately 20 minutes to present and Q & A time. Time has been built in for travel time and transition time from the first pathway class/lab to the 2nd pathway class/lab.  We should only be gone from school approx. 1 hour to 1.5 hours, depending on traffic.

    The HC CTAE Department/AAS personnel are working very hard to make this a great event for our middle school!