• Marjory Fortune  Marjory Fortune, School Psychologist

    School Psychologist for Austin Road Elementary School, Ms. Fortune espouses that the ARE Family provides an exceptional learning community that empowers students to exceed expectations. She joined the Henry County Schools school psychology department in 2019.  

    Ms. Fortune is a native of Canada with over 24 years of experience in the education field. She attended York College where she received a Bachelor's in Psychology with a minor in French, a Master's degree in School Psychology at Florida A & M University, and received an educational degree in Education Psychology at Walden University.

    Ms. Fortune has over 17 years as a school psychologist,  spending two years in the higher learning field as an assistant to the President, the Dean, the Public Relations Representative, and the Admission Director. During this time, they implemented programs that assisted in raising enrollment and sustained the students in achieving their education goals with vast support in a culturally diverse community. She also taught at Strong-Rock School for three years. She implemented programs to improve teaching techniques and learning skills that challenged the students to perform above expectations. She also worked as a private contractor for two years as a therapist/counselor/psychometrist for a private psychologist.  

    Ms. Fortune has been a resident of Henry County for over 20 years. She has a passion for advocating for children and is dedicated to helping each student to learn more effectively and efficiently to reach his/her full potential. She is a proud wife and mother of two wonderful children. Her family enjoys spending time in the kitchen cooking new recipes and her delicious desserts.

    You may contact her or request an appointment through e-mail at marjory.fortune@henry.k12.ga.us or by phone (770) 742-7460. Please leave a message and she will contact you at her earliest convenience.