• team

  • The PBIS Team is a multidisciplinary team, consisting of representatives from the following areas: administration, general education, special education, parent-community relations, and school-based mental health services. Through ongoing review and collaboration, this team guides and informs general practices to ensure a positive school climate and culture for ARE.

    Mrs. Wright - School Counselor                 

    Dr. Golden - Assistant Principal

    Ms. Baxter - Music Teacher

    Dr. Cody - Student Support Facilitator

    Ms. Pugh - Pre-K Teacher

    Ms. Williams - ESE Teacher

    Ms. Smith - EIP Reading Teacher

    Ms. Davenport - 4th Grade Teacher

    Ms. Busby (not pictured) - Family Engagement Liaison 

    Ms. McEachin (not pictured) - Mental Health & Wellness Facilitator