Title 1 Family Engagement Liaison - Busby, Serita
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Welcome to our 2022-2023 school year. My name is Mrs. Busby, I am your Family Engagement Liaison. I'm here to serve the parents and family members to ensure they have the academic resources that are needed to assist in your child’s needs.
Our Family Resource Center is open daily from 8a to 2p. There are loads of different resources available for you to check out to help your child at home. For example, we have a wide variety of books and games that assist with phonics, sight words, reading comprehension, math, multiplication, telling time, colors, shapes, numbers, money, and more. If you are concerned with the development of your child's social or emotional wellbeing, we have social skills activities that can assist you in this area also. Materials can be checked out for approximately 2 weeks.
I also work closely with parents to ensure that they have a voice in various decision-making processes that may involve their child’s academic future. We offer a variety of parent engagement opportunities throughout the school year to ensure that parents are fully vested in their child’s education. Workshops, and parent/family engagement activities are also offered at different times throughout the school year. Parents are surveyed at least twice a year to gather input for the upcoming school year. Your input matters!
I look forward to working with all our parents and family members throughout this school year. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Accurate success is families, students, and teachers working together as a team to motivate our students to maximize their highest potential.