Title I Instructional Lead Teacher - Meadows, Kimberlie
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Sponge Activities for K-2
First Grade
The best day ever! Write a story to tell what you or a pretend character would do to have the best day ever! Would you play games all day, make a cake, go to an amusement park?Draw a picture to match.
The best day ever! Write a story to tell what you or a pretend character would do to have the best day ever! Would you play games all day, make a cake, go to an amusement park? Draw a picture to match.
Class Picture! Draw a picture with each student from your class. Label each person. Now add to solve. How many noses in your class? How many ears? How many elbows? How many fingers? How many toes? How many smiles?
Sum it up. Let’s practice finding the sum. We find the sum when we add numbers together. Write down all the addition facts and answers that you know.
Skip to the beat. Practice skipping rope, or skipping while skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s. How far can you skip count to? Write your numbers down.
It’s Almost Time! We will be exploring time this year. Practice drawing a clock face and writing the numbers that are on a clock. Can you draw 3:00? 6:00? 9:30?
Memory. You can make your own memory game. Write your sight words on note cards or paper. Remember to make two of each. Mix them up and test your memory!
Lunch time! I am very hungry. What should we make for lunch? Write a recipe. Be certain to tell me how much I need of each ingredient. Do not forget any of the steps, so my lunch is delicious!
I’m going on a picnic and I’m going to bring… Can you make it through the alphabet? Write down all the things you will bring on your picnic. One item for each letter of the alphabet, draw a picture to match. Ex: apple, banana, cupcake ….