Boys Basketball Tryouts

2023-2024 Tryout Information

  • Locust Grove Middle School Basketball

    2024-2025 Basketball Tryouts

                  Welcome to the 2024-25 basketball season. As we begin to prepare for our upcoming season, we want to provide you with important dates and information.


    • Basketball tryouts will take place immediately afterschool on Nov 6th - 7th from 5:30 - 7:15pm.  Students can report to the gym immediately afterschool when car riders are dismissed. 
    • ALL players need to have their rides available promptly at the end of ALL practices!  Pick up in the bus lane.
    • All players wanting to try out for basketball must have a current physical and all other paperwork completed and uploaded to Aktivate prior to their tryout dates. 
    • Student athletes trying out must meet eligibility requirements in order to participate: Pass 5 out of the 6 classes from the most recently completed semester with a grade of 70 or higher, along with a cleared sports physical examination in order to be eligible to try out and play sports.
    • Sneakers required for tryouts
    • Preferably wear shorts and shirts that are white, blue, grey, or black 


    For any questions, feel free to email Coach Thomas at or Coach Johnson at



Last Modified on October 31, 2024