• LMS Student Dress Code-

    No skirts, shorts, dresses, or blouses more than three inches above the knee, even with leggings; No strapless tops, spaghetti straps, shirts with cut outs in the side or back, bare backs or midriffs, no low cut or see-through shirts. All shirts must come to the edge of the shoulder and not expose the back or cleavage. No holes, rips, tears, cuts, or frays above the knee in any pants or jeans; no leggings, jeggings, or excessively tight pants unless the top is three inches above the knee or longer; no unnatural hair colors or disruptive hair styles. No clothing with any symbols, pictures, slogans, or advertisements that depict or make reference to drugs, alcohol, weapons, nudity, or sexual content. Shoes must be worn at all times. Fingernails should not be excessively long or cut into any style that is sharp or pointed. Pants should be worn at the waist and should not be sagging to show underwear, skin or shorts. No hats, scarves, or any head covering that covers more than 50% of the head is allowed.  Click here for picture guidelines.


    Cell phones should be off and in lockers or classroom closet pockets at all times. Laptops may only be used for educational purposes and at the teacher’s direction. Teachers may allow phones to be used for certain EDUCATIONAL activities with TEACHER PERMISSION ONLY, but for most work a tablet or laptop will be used. Devices are available for classroom use, but students may bring their own device. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged technology. Students will be responsible for damage to school devices when they are using these devices. Students should report any damage to a school device when they check the device out to prevent being held responsible for someone else’s actions. Henry County acceptable use policy applies to any technology used at school.

    Any type of device that is out without permission or being misused may be taken up for the remainder of the day for first offenses. Further violations will result in the device being taken up and turned into the office and a parent or guardian will have to pick up the device. Students are not permitted to use phones or other devices to listen to music in the halls or classrooms and headphones should only be used for instructional purposes in the classroom with teacher permission.

    Please do not text or call your student at school. In the event of an emergency, please contact the front office.  We will NOT call students out of class to come to the phone, but will ensure information is relayed in EMERGENCY situations.

    Book bags -

    Book bags of any kind are not allowed in the classrooms and must be stored in lockers until the last locker break of the day. This includes draw string bags, gym bags, and large purses big enough to hold a text book or notebook. Computer bags are not allowed if they are big enough to fit a book or notebook in along with the device. Laptop covers are preferable and would provide protection for the device throughout the day as computer bags would need to be stored in lockers along with book bags and other bags. Students taking PE may use a plastic grocery type bag to carry PE clothes in- no draw string bags are allowed for this purpose.


    Attendance is very important. If students are late to school, absent, or need to check out, written documentation is needed. This documentation MUST be turned in the first day the student returns to school after an absence. This documentation should be turned in to advisory teachers. There will be regular incentives for students who maintain consistent attendance. Information on these incentives and rewards will be distributed by the counseling department at the beginning of each semester. We need students at school.


    Advisory will be the first period of the day. Advisors will work with students to help each student to use their own personal academic data to identify areas of need so that each student has a plan to use to focus instruction and academic time. Advisors will also work with students to introduce a variety of strategies and skills for students to use to improve academic performance. Advisors should be the first point of contact for students or parents with questions.

    WIN- What I Need- 

    This will be time each Friday when students are able to select what classes and specific activity they need extra support. Students will choose between Language Arts and SS for WIN and then will determine whether they need to work on Project Based Learning, Online instruction, or if they need Direct Instruction with a teacher in small group. Teachers will provide support, remediation, or acceleration in each setting based on student needs. Then students will also make the same decisions but between Math and Science. Teachers will have the final approval of student choices to ensure that students are making


    Students will be allowed to retake any assessment in any class. When the assessment is given, teachers will provide students with the specific time window in which retakes will be offered for that assessment. Students must complete some type of remediation either during WIN or before or after school before being approved for the retake. After the window for the retake has closed- students will not be allowed to go back and retake that assessment. Amnesty Days will be offered during each grading period when missing work can be turned in without penalty. Students are expected to complete work timely.


    Students should not arrive prior to 7:45. Students who arrive at 7:45 until 8:15 will report to the Commons Area. At 8:15 students will be directed to the gym where they will sit with their grade level. Students should eat breakfast before going to the gym. Students who arrive after 8:15 may eat breakfast and then report to the gym. Students will not be allowed to “hang out” at the breakfast tables. Students will be dismissed from the gym at 8:40 and will report directly to advisory. Any student arriving at school after 8:40 have the opportunity to get breakfast and then should report directly to advisory.

    Dismissal – 

    At the end of the day, after the afternoon announcements, car riders and walkers will be dismissed. Car riders will exit at the door beside the counseling office. Walkers will report to the door at the end of the 6th grade hall (the end nearest the counseling office). Walkers will be escorted to the property edge. Car riders should remain on the sidewalk in the designated area and are not allowed to cross the parking lot to parked cars for safety reasons. All cars picking up car riders should list the student’s last name on a sheet of paper in the window (written large enough to be seen at a distance) so that staff can help direct students to their cars quickly. Cars should pull all the way up to load so that the line can keep moving.

    Bus riders will remain in their classroom until their specific bus number is called. Buses will be called three at a time. As soon as those three are loaded, a final call will be made and then those three will be released and the next 3 will be called. All bus riders will exit from the door by the media center. Students must remain quiet during dismissal to hear when their bus is called.

    All athletes or other students staying after school for extra-curricular activities will remain in their classroom until the specific club or sport is dismissed. This is to ensure students are under adult supervision at all times. Students are NOT allowed to stay after school as a spectator for athletic events. They must go home and then return to stay for sporting events.