• Please feel free to contact the following local and county leaders with any questions or concerns.
    School Level Contacts
    Phone messages - WES - 770-506-6391   fax. 770-506-6396
    Woodland ASEP site coordinator - Heather Martin - heather.martin@henry.k12.ga.us
    Woodland ASEP assistant site coordinator - Carmen Shepard - Carmen.Shepard@henry.k12.ga.us
    County Level Contacts 

    Henry County ASEP Program Coordinator - Cynthia Greene - cgreene@henry.k12.ga.us  or 770-957-6601 ext. 01129
    Henry County ASEP Administrative Assistant - Elaine Milford - Elaine.Milford@henry.k12.ga.us  or 770-957-6601 ext. 01143
Last Modified on July 17, 2023