3rd Grade - Williams, Judene
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BirthdaysBirthday parties may NOT be held at school.Therefore, no cupcakes, balloons, streamers, ornoise makers should be sent to school. However,you may send money to purchase ice creamin the cafeteria as a special treat for the class on your child’sbirthday. We will have the treats during our lunchtime.MoneyThere will be a Ziploc bag provided in yourchild's folder. Please place all money inthis bag and write a corresponding notethat states the intended purpose for the money.The school sells ice-cream at lunch.However, we will not be buying ice-creamfor the first two weeks of school. This will allowchildren time to get used to our lunch schedule.My class will have the privilege of buying ice-creamon Wednesdays and Thursdays. However, theteacher reserves the right to suspend or revokeice-cream privileges due to a child'smisbehavior. Ice-cream money is separate fromlunch money. The cost for ice-cream is $1.00.SnacksWe will be having a snack each day.To make it easier on everyone, I willsend home a snack calendar with yourchild's name. On that day, please sendenough snacks for all the childrenin the class (plan for 24). This way youwill only have to prepare snacks oncea month instead of daily. Healthy snackchoices include graham crackers, fruitsnacks, and goldfish crackers (No drink please).
*** Peanut Free Classroom ***
Due to severe nut allergies, please do NOT send in any food containing nuts to the classroom. Thank you for your cooperation.
TransportationIt is extremely important thatwe know how your child will be gettinghome every day. Should there be a needfor changes, please notify me as soon aspossible. These changes must bemade in writing. Please place a signednote in your child’s folder.