Athletics Home Page
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Sports Offered at LMS
Fall Sports: August to October
Cheerleading (Football)
Girls Flag Football @ LHS
Girls Softball
Winter Sports: November to January
Cheerleading (Basketball)
Spring Sports: February to April
Track & Field
Girls Volleyball
Soccer (8th Grade only - @ LHS)
Baseball (8th Grade only - @ LHS)
Participant Eligibility
A. A student is eligible to participate in sports once as a 7th grader and once as an 8th grader, not to exceed two (2) years, regardless of the number of schools attended.
B. If a student is retained for any reason, he/she is considered ineligible for athletics during that school year.
C. A player must not reach his/her 16th birthday prior to May 1st of his/her 8th grade year. A player must not reach his/her 15th birthday prior to May 1st of his/her 7th grade year. An appeals process is at the discretion of the County Coordinator of Athletics and HCMSAL members.
D. To be eligible to try out or to participate in middle school athletics, students must meet the following academic criteria:
Must pass 5 out of 6 courses for the Spring 2024 Semester to be eligible for fall sports