HCS Fine Arts Chorus Diploma Seal Requirements:

    • REQUIRED COURSE CREDITS in subject area:

    (Accepted credit combinations include):

    • 3 chorus classes (with A’s), and 1 Creative Industries Focus Course (from list below) OR
    • 3 chorus classes (with A’s) and 4th Fine Arts class (same or different Fine Arts subject)


    Qualifying Creative Industries Focus courses are:

    • Intro to Drafting and Design 48-54100
    • Intro to Digital Technology 11.41500
    • Intro to Business and Technology 07.441440
    • Intro to Graphics and Design 48.56100
    • Audio, Video Technology and Film 10.51810
    • Marketing Principles 08.47400
    • Journalism 03.03200
    • Oral and Written Communication 23.04200
    • Economics 45.06100
    • TWO FINE ARTS-RELATED EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (clubs, organizations, camps, and qualifying programs, etc.)




    • CAPSTONE PRESENTATION including a written reflection on your experiences.

    Capstone for Chorus:  Consists of a solo performance to a panel of judges who will assess the singing, skill mastery, and communication provided by the musician during the presentation.

    *** The completion of ALL of these requirements will allow the student to be honored for graduation by receiving the pink Fine Arts cord AND a Fine Arts Seal on their diploma/transcript. ***


    Please make sure to check with me WELL BEFORE you are nearing graduation to ensure that you are on track as you seek these recognitions (definitely by beginning of Junior Year)!