• I believe that every student is capable of learning. I believe that students learn in many different ways. In my classroom, I work to provide learning opportunities that are engaging, hands-on, and reach each modality of learning. I believe that learning means students are growing academically, socially, and emotionally. As long as students are progressing from where they started, I believe they are learning. Data drives my instruction, meaning I am continually observing and assessing students as they complete various activities and tasks. I then take those notes and choose follow-up lessons to meet students where they are and either push them further or revisit a topic they might not yet have fully mastered. 

    I hope students leave my classroom with a life-long love of learning. I aim to motivate students to become critically thinking problem solvers. I also hope to encourage students to be respectful, kind-hearted citizens in our world. I believe this is achieved by showing and teaching respect in our classroom. I teach that our classroom is a family and we are to treat each other with love and respect. I teach love and respect through my classroom management style. I wholeheartedly believe in specific positive reinforcement. I encourage students when they are doing something correctly and change incorrect behaviors by praising nearby students who are being role models. I also believe in the power of the word “yet.” Instead of students saying they cannot do something, I have them phrase it as though they can not do that activity or task “yet.” I want students to understand that they are capable of doing hard things, they just might need some help or special tools. I believe that all students are unique and it is my job as an educator to meet students where they are and cater to how they learn by equipping them with specific tools and approaches unique to each individual student. 

    I continue to grow as a teacher by researching various teaching models, observing other teachers, and continually reflecting on my teaching practices. I regularly attend professional developments to ensure my teaching styles and lessons are current and reaching students through research-based approaches. Teaching is my passion and I will continually work to better myself and create an inviting, safe, fun classroom environment.