Dutchtown Middle School seeks to foster a safe and positive school community where all stakeholders are both actively and consistently engaged. We will commit ourselves daily towards sustaining high expectations for teaching and learning, nurturing positive relationships, and celebrating the collective success of our school and community.


    DMS VISION SY24-25

    In truth, honor, and integrity, Dutchtown Middle School will create an environment of excellence in all that we do.




    2024-2025 Social Studies 6th Grade

    Dutchtown Middle School


    Contact Information:

    Kimberly Harris



    School Phone: 770-515-7500


    Course Description:

    Course Overview

    This year we will be learning about Europe, Latin America, Canada, and Australia.  During our exploration of these regions, we will be concentrating on the domains of geography, history, government, and economics.  For specific standards, please access the GA DOE website or use the link found on my webpage. 


    Required Course Materials: 

    HMH World Geography Textbook, Active Classroom


    Required Classroom Supplies

    Charged chromebook, 3 ring binder or 3 subject notebook (with pockets), pencils/pens, notebook paper, colored pencils, earbuds,handheld pencil sharpener


    Classroom Rules/Expectations

    1. Arrive to class on time, use technology appropriately when instructed.  
    2. Come prepared to learn with a positive attitude.
    3. Be an active and engaged member of the class and submit your assignments on time.
    4. Raise your hand. 
    5. Respect your teacher, yourself, and others.


    1.  Please look for teacher information about projects, upcoming quizzes & tests via Infinite Campus and Google Classroom.

    2.  Infinite Campus is an online tool that allows students and parents to see grades online. Grades will be updated weekly. 

    3.  Please contact me at the email listed above to obtain information, ask questions, or set up a conference with your child’s academic teachers.


    Tutoring/Office Hours 

    Thursdays (Online - Google Meet) 4:30 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.

    Grading Policy

    Academic Grades

    1. The following grading format is required for use by all DMS instructional staff members:

    Practice Work 

    (40% of grade)

      Assessment Tasks 

    (40% of grade)

    Semester Summative Assessment Tasks (20% of grade)


    *Formative Assessments (Quizzes, TOTD, etc.) 

    • Administered in frequent intervals (e.g., daily or several times a week), as determined by the teacher
    • Formal methods include district or school developed formative assessments or quizzes. 
    • Informal methods include but are not limited to white board writes, tickets out of the door, and other means to monitor scholar comprehension consistently. 

    *Summative Unit Assessments

    *Constructed/Selected Response 


    *Culminating Performance 


    • minimum of two assessment grades per semester
    • must be district or department co-created
    • scholars must be provided with a rubric for each performance task/project on the day the task/project is assigned
    • the lowest Assessment grade will be dropped at the end of each semester
    • Scholars MAY have an opportunity to re-assess on a  Summative Assessment once remediation/tutoring has occurred

    *Semester Summative Assessment/ EOC

    • No exemptions for any grade level
    • Culminating tasks/projects (core or connections) may be assigned, but draft assessments must be provided to the department administrator two weeks prior to the date of the assessment (if applicable)  
    1. Scholars should receive at least one academic grade in each subject each week. Grades should be entered into the gradebook weekly.

    Grading Scales

     Scholars will be evaluated using the following scale:





    Below 70=F


    Non-Academic Grades

     Scholars will be evaluated on non-academic factors as follows through the conduct grade:

    S- Satisfactory         N- Needs Improvement      U- Unsatisfactory


     Make-Up Work

    Scholars will have up to 5 days to submit missed or late work 

    • Late work that is submitted will receive a ten (10) point deduction from the overall grade, and the teacher will then replace the “M” in Infinite Campus with the earned grade. Any assignment not submitted within five (5) days of the originally assigned due date will remain as a permanent grade of zero (0%) within the Infinite Campus gradebook.  
    • If a scholar misses work due to an absence the scholar will be allowed to make up work commensurate with his/her number of absence/s.  It is the scholar’s responsibility to inquire about missed work and or assessments from his/her teacher.


    • Absences due to suspension from school are considered unexcused. Scholars assigned out of school suspension (OSS) will be allowed to make-up work upon return to school. The number of days to complete make-up work is commensurate to the number of days of OSS (i.e. 3 days of Out of School Suspension= 3 days to make up work missed).


    Academic Integrity

    Coursework submitted by a scholar must be the scholar’s own, original work. Scholars shall not cheat on any assignment by giving or receiving unauthorized assistance, or commit the act of plagiarism. Scholars who commit such acts are subject to not receiving credit on the assignment in question and will be subject to disciplinary action as well.