• TAG Evaluation Information

    The overall purpose of the TAG program is to provide gifted learners with opportunities and experiences for the acceleration and extension of learning, development of individual potential, enhancement of the self-concept, and advancement toward becoming a more independent learner.


    To be eligible for gifted education services, a student must meet the Georgia criteria on nationally normed tests and scales. Assessments of students occur in the following areas: mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation.  Students may be referred for testing by teacher referral or parental referral.  It is important to remember that students may only be tested for TAG every other year.  Any parent interested in having their child tested for TAG is requested to first consult with their child’s teacher. After consultation, if a decision is made to refer their child, parents should complete an on-line referral form or notify their child's teacher in writing, of their decision.



    Once a child is nominated for testing, evidence will be brought to the school level Eligibility Team, which is comprised of the gifted collaborative teacher, the classroom teacher and an administrator. The Eligibility Team will review the evidence, and a decision will be made as to whether or not testing is warranted at this time. If it is, a parental consent for evaluation will be obtained, and testing will proceed.

    Student eligibility is determined by a series of evaluations conducted by the gifted support teacher in accordance with the State of Georgia criteria.These include tests of mental ability, achievement and creativity. Student motivation is also a factor in determining eligibility.
    Helpful links:
      "Bright Learners vs Gifted Learners Checklist "


       "Georgia's Criteria for Gifted Eligibility " 

    To request further information about TAG testing contact Anika Baldwin-Dozier at anika.baldwindozier@henry.k12.ga.us
Last Modified on August 17, 2020