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SRO - Watkins, Jerry
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General Information
Attendance Policies
Dress Code 24-25
Honor Roll Criteria
Parent Portal Information
Partners in Education
Registration Information
Supply Lists
Connections (Art) Drayton, Jazmin
Connections (Band) Cho, Harrison
Connections (Chorus) Smith, Manolito
Connections (Computer Science) Braswell, Sandy
Connections (Eng./Tech. Ed.) Braswell, Fred
Connections (FCS) Fioto, Aiyana
Connections (Math 180) Worthen, Kentrez
Connections (Orchestra) Moore, Joseph
Connections (PE) Bellamy, Nathaniel
Connections (PE) Mayhew, Anaya
Connections (Read 180) Ingram, Suprina
Connections (Spanish) Stroik, Virginia
EBD Bonds, Sherman
EBD Little, Michael
ELA (6th) Hardeman, Chelsey
ELA (6th) Jackson, Alesha
ELA (7th) Batnag, Lovely
ELA (7th) Mayberry, Kerrie
ELA (8th) Hamilton, Shirlicia
ELA (8th) Shepherd, BraSheia
ESE Dumont, Hannah
ESE Glenn, Trenton
ESE Lindsey, Shedrick
ESE Manrow, Tanya
ESE Miller, Chari
ESE Pugh, Kevin
ESE Smith, Aydra
ESE Stembridge, Jentrell
ESE Waterton, Angelica
ESOL Williams, Abigail
Math (6th) Wilkes, Parrish
Math (6th) Willis, Fay
Math (7th) Booker, Gentsey
Math (7th) McLeod, Jokyra
Math (8th) Kennedy, Michael
Math (8th) Thomas, Kenneth
MID- Goggins, Benita
MID- Gandy, Valerie
Sci (6th) Lewis, Koji
Sci (6th) Morris, LaDavias
Sci (7th) Byrd, Jada
Sci (7th) Park, Chayla
Sci (8th) Jones, Gabrielle
SS (6th) Gamble, Gessica
SS (6th) O'Keefe, Kristina
SS (7th) Brown, Jaleel
SS (7th) Howard, Tomeca
SS (8th) Rich, Ann
SS (8th) Small, Sheila
SSF Golatte-Hamm, Tomekia
WA- Jojo
Sci (8th) Courson, Erica
Z Connections (Art) Bizzell, Brianna
Z Connections (Art) Edwards, Alphonso
z Connections (Math Focus) Le, Bryant
Z Connections (Spanish) Sanchez, Anna
z ELA (6th) Newsome, Shacobra
Z ELA (8th) Irions, Brittany
Z ELA (ESE 8th) Walker, Toniece
z ESE Goodrum, Jasmine
z ESE Mitchell, Sharita
Z ESOL Rolle, Nanette
Z Math (7th) Cherry, Jacara
Z Math (7th) Shabazz, Khadeeja
z Math (8th) White, Tenesha
Z Math/Sci (8th) Smith, Shelby
z MID Spear, Zsabriel
Z Sci (6th) Elphingstone, Nancy
Z Sci (7th) Oyler, Tanner
Z SLP- Moore, Jocelyn
Z SS (8th) Smith, Warren
Z SSF Williams, Crystal
Z6th Grade Page
zBrown, Jennifer
zConnections (Band) Harrell, Heidi
ZConnections (Chorus) Augsten, Jacob
ZConnections (ELA Focus) Mai, Nguyet
zConnections (Family and Consumer Sci) Adair, Liz
zConnections (PE) Toler, Mackenzie
zCunningham-Reid, Courtney
zEBD Strickland, Chilecia
zELA (7th) Brown, Ryan
zELA (7th) Curtis, Whitney
ZELA (7th) Daniels, Cecilia
zELA (8th) Mathews, Zina
ZELA (ESE 7th) Davis-Favors, Tyone
ZELA (ESE 8th) Curney, Amber
zESE Beckham, Meridith
zESE Stephens, Alecia
zILT Huston, Lori
ZILT, Stephanie Easterling
zITP Anjoli Miller
ZMath (7th) Hardnett, Brandi
ZMath (7th) McFarlane, Kayon
ZMath (8th) Russell, Hope
ZMath (ESE 6th) Kendrew, Deborah
ZSci (7th) Williamson, Kimberly
zSci (8th) Carolus, Tiannah
ZSci (8th) Elder, Natalya
ZSci (8th) Wood, Donya
ZSci/SS (ESE 6th) Baker, Bambi
zScience (7th) Johnson, DeAndra
ZSS (6th) Dixon, Demetria
zSS (7th) Copeland, Courtney
ZSS (7th) Holloway, Christopher
zzConnections (Family & Cons. Sci) Sims, Gina
zzIPLL Bryant, Betina
zzzConnections (Read 180) Barkley, Adajah
zzzELA (6th) Wilson, Joshua
zzzELA (8th) Dumas, Tess
zzzESE Couch, Ashley
zzzESE McAlpine, Trevic
zzzMath (8th) Stuckey, Denis
zzzMath (8th)/Connections (Computer Science) Jackson, Andrew
zzzMID- Thomas, Jennifer
zzzPL- Sams, Janice
zzzSci (7th) Parker, Dawn
zzzSci (8th) - Brock, Kevin
zzzSci (8th) Boyce, Christopher
zzzSS (7th) Thomas, Oman
zzzSS (8th) Henley, Shaquana
Z Personalized Learning at HMS
z6th Grade Orientation
ZStudent Page
School Calendar
Connections Information
Exceptional Student Education/Tier IV
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Social Studies
Hampton Athletics Department / General Information
Track & Field
PTO - Parent Teacher Organization
zzzBand activities
zzzExquisite Pearls
zzzHMS Dance Team
zzzHMS News Crew
zzzMen of Distinction
zzzPartners Club
8th Grade Activities
Academic Team
Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Team
Junior Beta Club
Junior National Honor Society
Platinum Pearls
Savage Mentality Mentoring Program
Student Council
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Counseling Department
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Title 1
Title 1 / Parent Engagement
Title I
ZMath (7th) McFarlane, Kayon
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Math Assignments
Milestone Review
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Milestone Review 1
Milestones Review 1.docx
31.48 KB;
(Last Modified on March 16, 2016)