Safety Guidelines
The safety and well being of our students and staff is a high priority at PGE; it is imperative that all visitors adhere to the following safety procedures throughout the school year:
- Is my child too sick for school?
- All visitors must report to the main office (with a valid ID) to sign in and get a visitor's badge upon entering the building.
- Students may arrive no earlier than 7:10AM. The tardy bell rings at 7:35AM. A parent or guardian must sign in for all tardy students in the front office.
- Early checkouts must take place before 1:30PM. All adults must present a picture ID when checking out a student. Students cannot leave the building without anyone who is not listed on the "yellow card".
- Parent luncheons are allowed only with YOUR child. The "Stage Cafe" is designated for parents. We respect the quality time you have with your child; therefore, other students or other family and friends are not allowed to join you on the stage.
- If your child is celebrating a birthday, the parent may purchase ice cream from the school for the class at $1.00 per treat. To reduce movement and limit contact, additional food items (cake/cupcakes/pizza) will not be served to the students.
- Threats, bullying, and intimidation are prohibited in Henry County Schools. Students should report any violations to an adult (teacher, parent, counselor, or administrator). Reported incidents will be investigated and handled administratively.
- As a Title I Distinguished school, all families are required to complete a lunch form for the school year. Title I School Funding is totally dependent on returned lunch forms.
- Hats, colored hair, toys, pocket knives, water guns, or anything that can be used as a weapon are not allowed on campus. Please review the Henry County Schools Handbook for approved dress codes, policies, and procedures.