• Criteria for Eligibility:

    ● Must be a fourth or fifth grade student enrolled at TRE

    ● Earned a Satisfactory rating on the conduct section of the 1st term report card, as indicated by all PR and/or EX ratings

    ● Earned an A average all year*

    ● Reading on or above grade level as indicated by one or more Henry County assessment(s) (e.g. Fountas and Pinnell, MAP, Milestones, etc.)

    ● Earned a satisfactory recommendation from a previous or current teacher

    ● Demonstrates positive behavior throughout all parts of the school, including the bus. More specifically, the student should not receive any Office Referrals. (Note: A Three Strikes form issued this school year may prevent a child from being an active member of Jr. Beta Club).**

    ● A completed application expressing interest in joining Jr. Beta Club

    *When grades are averaged, the final average must be a 90 or above. Students may only have one B to be considered eligible. If grades fall below a 90 average, the student will have 4 weeks to bring his or her average up. Failure to maintain an A average will result in dismissal from Jr. Beta Club.

    **If the administration deems that the member has exhibited behavior that doesn’t exemplify outstanding character, behavior, or attitude, or any behaviors of concern as defined by the Henry County Student and Parent Handbook and Code of Conduct, the member will be immediately placed on probation for Jr. Beta Club for the remainder of the school year. During the probationary time, the student will continue to serve as an active member unless the uncharacteristic behavior continues, at which point, the student will be dismissed from the Jr. Beta Club. To remain in good standing, students must maintain the academic and behavior criteria listed above on each report card and model good citizenship throughout the school year. Additionally, students must participate in at least two community service events to fulfill the service portion of the national organization.