Gifted Exploratory - GX
Welcome to GX! Our gifted resource time occurs during each grade level's What I Need (WIN) Time. During GX, gifted students explore and innovate to enrich their learning. We also spend time building our creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills.
Gifted Education Referral and Testing Information
Gifted testing is completed three times a year. Teachers, parents, and students can submit recommendations for gifted screening. During the screening process, data is collected about the student's academics, mental abilities, motivation, and creativity. The Gifted Search Team will then analyze the data to determine if addition evaluations are needed to determine gifted eligibility. A notification of the search team's findings will be sent to the parent and if further assessments are needed a permission to test form must be signed and completed by the parent.
If you are interested in requesting a gifted screening, please click here to start the referral process. Please note that filling out the form does not guarantee that your child will be tested. Filling out the form will submit your child's name and information to the Gifted Search Team who will examin the data and determine if further testing is warranted and appropriate. For additional information about the gifted evaluation process please see the HCS Advanced Education page.
The following links may be helpful to answer your questions about giftedness and gifted education:How to Spot a Gifted Student
"Bright Learners vs. GiftedLearners Checklist "
"Frequently Asked about Giftedness"
"Georgia's Definition ofGiftedness/Eligibility Process"
Erika LivermontGifted Service TeacherTimber Ridge Elementaryemail: elivermont@henry.k12.ga.us