• Gifted Referrals:

    There are three ways a student can be referred for gifted testing:

    • teacher referral
    • parent referral (see link below)
    • automatic referral based on MAP scores 

    Once a student is referred for gifted testing, my team and I look at data to determine if the child should be tested or not.  A referral does not mean a student is automatically tested.

    Gifted Testing: 

    Once it is determined that a student will be tested, the following tests are given:

    • MAP testing (done in the regular classroom) in math and reading achievement
    • CogAT testing for verbal, non-verbal, and math mental abilities
    • Motivation 
    • Creativity 

    A student can qualify for gifted services in two ways, based on test results:

    • Qualifying scores in both achievement and mental abilities
    • Qualifying scores in 3 out of the four areas underlined above

    Parent Referral:  

    Parents can refer their child for gifted testing by clicking the link below:

    Online Referral Form