School Counselor - Michella Fann
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ABC's to connecting HOME & SCHOOL
A Ask questions whenever you have concerns, no matter how small.
B Build your child’s confidence with regular communication.
C Clarify language you don’t understand.
D Dive deeper into your child’s schoolwork and understand what’s going on.
E E-mail your child’s teacher, counselor or principal.
F Follow up with school staff.
G Gather information on how WLE works.
H Have patience when trying to reach teachers.
I Inform your school and teacher about issues important to your child.
J Join PTO and School Council or mentor, volunteer.
K Keep up to date on technology.
L Let teachers and principals know that you appreciate good communication.
M Meet people whenever you can.
N Never go away feeling confused.
O Organize your thoughts and questions before attending school meetings.
P Provide a good example with good communication.
Q Question school officials about special programs that are available for your child.
R Read and respond to those many notices your child brings home.
S Spend time learning with your child.
T Thank everyone for sharing. (your child and school).
U Understand school rules — and why they’re important.
V Voice your concerns only with people who can your solve your problem.
W Wade through the red tape if it appears.
X X-out what isn’t crucial when communicating with school officials.
Y Yearn to help others to help your child succeed.
Z Zero in on the positive messages essential to a great school experience.
National School Public Relations Association, 15948 Derwood Rd., Rockville MD 20855;