MTSS Process

  • When a teacher, administrator, or parent has a concern about a child's academic or behavior functioning, they can request to have an SST (Student Support Team) meeting at the student's school. The SST team will convene with the parent to discuss concerns about the student. The team will review the child's current functioning in the classroom. Current work samples and test scores will be reviewed. If it is determined that the student is falling behind their typical peers, the SST team will develop strategies and interventions to help the child make progress. These interventions will be documented on a form and the team will determine how the teacher will take data to see if the student is making progress with the interventions. After six weeks of taking data, the SST team will review the data. If the student is making adequate progress, then the interventions will continue and the child is not referred for a special education evaluation. If it is determined that the student is not making adequate progress, then the student may be referred for a psychological evaluation to see if they qualify for special education services.