• Per the Henry County Schools Handbook, if a child becomes too ill to remain in class, his/her parent will be contacted so the child may be cared for at home. Children should not return to school until vomit, diarrhea, and/or fever free for 24 hours. Regarding fever, a child with fever (oral temperature of 99.5 degrees or higher with other symptoms of illness present OR temperature of 100.4 degrees regardless whether other symptoms are present) should stay home until there is 24 hours without having a fever (without the use of fever reducing medicine in that 24 hours). The principal should be notified, in writing, if a student has a chronic disability or illness that could require special or emergency treatment.

    • All Medicine (prescription and over-the-counter) must be kept in the school office and dispensed by the principal or his/her designee. Parents are urged to keep the front office updated with current phone numbers so parents may be reached.
    • Contagious Illness: If a school receives a written report from a doctor/licensed healthcare provider which states that a student has a “notifiable disease/condition,” the school system will follow the infectious disease reporting protocol including recommendations from the Henry County Health Department. The parent/guardian must provide a release to school signed by a medical doctor indicating the date the student can return to school.
    • if he might be contagious to others
    • if he is too sick to be comfortable at school or to concentrate

    As a rule, a child should not come to school if there is:

    • vomiting more than once in the past 24 hours
    • a fever of 100.4 or greater in the past 24 hours
    • diarrhea
    • a widespread rash
    • persistent pain
    • very frequent cough


    Do Not Send Medication to School with your child. If your child needs medication at school you need to bring it into the office.